Tuesday, September 18, 2012


   Why is such a small word, and yet it is asked by so many...so often. I find myself asking this little question frequently. Why do people do things? Why do murderers murder? Why do we waste so much time doing unimportant things? Why does God take loved ones? Why do we as children of God still suffer? Why is it so hard for us to FULLY trust God and give Him everything? Why? Why? Why? Truth is, God is the only one who has the answer, and we are to trust that He knows why things are the way they are. He has a purpose for everything and knows exactly what is best for us!

1 comment:

  1. My dear, this is an excellent post. I was thinking along the same lines just this week and I'm glad that you have expressed these thoughts. They are universal and perpetual and you have nailed it on the head.
