Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Almost here!!!!!

The month of December is filled with such wonderful things, especially this year!! We had our play last week, which went really well and was lots of fun, it's almost Christmas, AND my newest little brother (Harris) will be here soon!! Possibly next week!! I am so excited!!!!!! I can't wait to be holding my cute little baby brother, welcoming family into our home, eating lots a food, and watching everyone open presents! Ahhhhh.....it's Christmas, y'all! Hope you all have a wonderful holiday season!! Merry Christmas and God bless!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Little brothers...:)

   As I was eating my breakfast and drinking my coffee this morning, my 4 yr. old brother(Noah) came to the table and started telling me about all the different ways you could cook an egg. I listened for a few minutes, then took a rather large gulp of my coffee which was delicious! Noah then said, "Ooo...Grace-Anne! I want some coffee!" I replied with, "Noah, don't you know what happens when little kids drink coffee?"   "No, what?!?!" he asked with wide eyes. "It stops you from growing. That means you'll NEVER be as big as Daddy!" He thought for a minute then said, "Um...I want hot chocolate." Oh how I love my little brothers! They make life interesting!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day...

Even though I'm not of the age to vote yet, I'm still so thankful for the privilege we have as Americans to vote! Those of you who are able to vote, please don't waist the opportunity. Go vote, and when you vote, think about what each candidate stands for spiritually, not just economically. But remember, no matter who wins, God is in control. He has more power than anyone! Lord, turn this nation back to you. Please be with whoever is elected because without you, this nation would fall. God bless America!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Bienvenido fall!

Ah...fall! FALL!!! It's here! I can smell it in the air! The leaves are changing, and it's getting colder! Red, yellow, orange, and purple leaves, sweaters, jeans, scarves, jackets, church meetings, chili, hot chocolate, coffee, football, Thanksgiving, family!!! It's all so wonderful! Thank you Lord for fall!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hunt Family Learning Academy(HFLA)

    As we were eating breakfast this morning, Paten(my 12 yr. old brother) says, "My dream is to get a 15 foot flag pole, put it up in the front yard, and put an American flag on it!"
    I immediately followed this with, "Oh, that would be great...then our house would look like a school. I mean, there are almost seven of us kids. People probably already think that we are running a school out of here."
    "Hey!" Riley(my 11 yr. old brother) exclaimed, "all we have to do is paint Rosemary(our suburban) yellow and write school bus on the side!" This statement was followed by many a hearty laugh. We then began to sort out minor details about our little "school" such as the name(which Paten came up with), the principal(Daddy), the teachers(Mama and I), and the students(Paten, Riley, and Noah). The boys continued making plans until the decided that every student would have to wear a special hat. Paten ran into his room and brought out one of the hats that our uncle got for us over seas. They all put their hats on and posed for a picture to mount on the front of our school. And this is how the Hunt Family Learning Academy(HFLA) was founded!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


   Why is such a small word, and yet it is asked by so many...so often. I find myself asking this little question frequently. Why do people do things? Why do murderers murder? Why do we waste so much time doing unimportant things? Why does God take loved ones? Why do we as children of God still suffer? Why is it so hard for us to FULLY trust God and give Him everything? Why? Why? Why? Truth is, God is the only one who has the answer, and we are to trust that He knows why things are the way they are. He has a purpose for everything and knows exactly what is best for us!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Be utterly amazed!

After church the other night, we came out and saw this beautiful sunset. When I see such beauty, I can't help but stand in awe at God's awesomeness! He is so GREAT! Who else could SPEAK something as beautiful as a sunset into existence? Look, and be utterly amazed!