Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Little brothers...:)

   As I was eating my breakfast and drinking my coffee this morning, my 4 yr. old brother(Noah) came to the table and started telling me about all the different ways you could cook an egg. I listened for a few minutes, then took a rather large gulp of my coffee which was delicious! Noah then said, "Ooo...Grace-Anne! I want some coffee!" I replied with, "Noah, don't you know what happens when little kids drink coffee?"   "No, what?!?!" he asked with wide eyes. "It stops you from growing. That means you'll NEVER be as big as Daddy!" He thought for a minute then said, "Um...I want hot chocolate." Oh how I love my little brothers! They make life interesting!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day...

Even though I'm not of the age to vote yet, I'm still so thankful for the privilege we have as Americans to vote! Those of you who are able to vote, please don't waist the opportunity. Go vote, and when you vote, think about what each candidate stands for spiritually, not just economically. But remember, no matter who wins, God is in control. He has more power than anyone! Lord, turn this nation back to you. Please be with whoever is elected because without you, this nation would fall. God bless America!